Have some fun in my Backyard.
Find all about my travel experiences, outdoor fun with my family, and journey starting an organic garden during quarantine.
Family Vacation at Jakes Hotel and Spa in Treasure Beach Jamaica
In January 2021 my little family (my husband and our son Adam) took a much-needed vacation to Jamaica. This was our first time traveling internationally during COVID and my husband and son’s first time in Jamaica. Since I’ve been to Jamaica before I wanted to go to a part of the island that I’ve never been to before. I had one month to plan the trip after my husband gave me the trip budget and here are all the details!!
With us traveling during January 2021 during a Covid wave, I made sure we were extra cautious during our trip. We had to take a PCR test before our trip and fill out the online travel documents for COVID travel to Jamaica. This was super easy and can be done here. During our time on the plane, we double-masked (even our son who’s so great at wearing masks!) because we were not playing with Ms. Rona lol. Upon arrival, we were met with our driver Darren who’s a family friend of my Sister Summiyah (she’s basically a Jamaican now lol). Our flight landed around 2:30 pm and we started our trip to Jake’s at Treasure Beach which is usually a two-hour drive. Due to traffic in Montego Bay, we were delayed by two and a half hours! Luckily, our son slept for two hours of the ride and didn’t put up a fuss. Halfway through our trip, we stopped at the local pit stop restaurant called “Border Jerk”. Easily the BEST jerk chicken I’ve ever had. It’s a must-stop if you’re traveling to the Treasure Beach area from Montego Bay.
Upon arriving at Jakes at Treasure Beach, we were greeted kindly by staff (who treated us like family the whole time!) and asked to check our temperature and use hand sanitizer. Our bags were put in our Cottage which was named “Sweet Lip” and immediately Adam begged to go to the beach!
After the beach, we grabbed some food from Jack Sprat Cafe and ate the food on the pier overlooking the ocean. A perfect way to start our first Day in Treasure Beach.
Our reason for taking the family trip was to one have fun as a family but to also celebrate my husband’s 28th birthday! We needed a family trip (we hadn’t traveled as a family internationally since my Birthday in October 2018). To prepare for the trip, I bought everyone gifts (I think this will be a tradition that I’ll carry from here on out!). I wanted to make sure Adam had toys and activities to play with so I bought him some new action figures, a puzzle set, bubbles, and several books. He was ecstatic and was so surprised! Next, I pulled out Tyler’s birthday gifts for him to open one by one. He was so thankful and even shed a tear. My love language is gifting gifts and it’s safe to say that I showed OUT for this birthday! Here’s a clip of Tyler’s reaction along with a video of our time in Jamaica.
After returning from our five-day trip I was asked by a few family and friends how much our trip cost. As someone who’s transparent, the total cost of the trip was around $5800. This included our accommodations (we caught a 25% off sale at Jakes making our cottage $250 a night), food (we ate whatever we wanted), clothes (my Rent the Runway subscription, new jewelry, vacation clothes + shoes for Adam & Tyler, water items (life vests & floaties for Adam, water shoes for the family, gifts, driver fee + tips, and our excursions plus tips. The trip was totally worth our money and I would easily take our family back here! If you’re looking for a family-friendly and non-touristy resort in Jamaica, Jakes at Treasure Beach is the perfect place!
Breastfeeding and Traveling Without Your Baby? Here’s How to Maintain Your Supply!
Three summers ago I traveled to Jamaica for a girl’s trip to have some much-needed fun! This was my first vacation as a new mom and truth be told I had so much anxiety (I later discovered was PPA) about leaving my son Adam who was 9 months old at the time. After almost canceling the trip because I was so anxious, my husband recognized I needed a break and encouraged me to continue with my plans.
As an exclusive breastfeeding mom, I prepared weeks in advance to have enough milk for my son before my trip. Despite eating solids, my son was pretty greedy so I made sure he had around 28-32 oz for each of the four days I would be gone. I stocked up on pumped milk bags in my freezer and prepped my husband on every single detail to make sure he was ready (He was!). I also purchased my first can of formula which was a Kabrita goat milk toddler formula just in case my son Adam needed extra milk (which he did!).
Off I went! My first hurdle was getting through the Atlanta airport with my pumping supplies. To maintain my breastfeeding supply I brought my prescribed electric breast pump, batteries for my pump (to pump hands free on the go or just in case I didn’t have access to electricity - you never know!), the Medela Harmony Breast Pump (my personal favorite pump - I hated electric pumps and pumped less milk compared to this trusty ol’ pump!), tons of breast pads because I was a leaker lol, Earth Mama organic nipple balm, Medela 8 oz Bottles with caps, 6 oz breast milk bags, and Black ice cold packs. I strategically packed my manual breast pump, bottles with caps, and ice packs (already frozen) within my insulated cooler tote bag. In my bookbag, I carried my electric pump plus batteries. Traditionally, you’re not allowed to bring batteries on planes however since I needed them for my pumping materials I received special accommodations as a breastfeeding mother. I did extensive research to prepare myself for flying with breastmilk/pumping materials - this blog was super helpful. While going through TSA, I was pulled aside to have my items checked due to the batteries and ice packs. I easily explained that I needed my items for pumping breastmilk while on a trip and the ice packs were for my return plus to keep my pumped milk during my travel to my accommodations in Jamaica cold. The TSA Supervisor (I wish I remembered his name!) was so sweet, let me go quickly, and even helped me pack my things! I moved through TSA and while waiting in Tampa for my connecting flight to Jamaica I pumped a few ounces of milk in to stop my boobs from being engorged and painful. I was never a mom who shied away from breastfeeding in public but for instance of pumping, I was nervous and decided to pump in the bathroom.
My first 8 oz of milk pumped in Jamaica! From one session upon my arrival to my villa.
While in Jamaica, I made it my goal to pump at least three-four times a day! Most times during pumping I would get around 8oz of milk per breast! At first, it was a little awkward being the friend that was pumping but after a day I did not care! I pumped everywhere. Literally on our shuttle bus (hand expressed), at a restaurant, openly in the villa living room, poolside, etc. One thing I did make sure to do while pumping on the go was to have hand sanitizer and Medela breast pump cleaning wipes! I wanted to make sure that my hands were clean while touching the pump parts and that the pump + bottles were clean!
Each night, I would take the bottles I made throughout and transfer them into small freezer packs of milk no bigger than 2-3 oz and lay them flat in our villa freezer. At first, I had plans to donate my milk to an orphanage but the one I found was too far away so I decided to bring back as much as I could! I brought back 147 oz of milk to the United States.
Getting back to the United States with breastmilk was easy in Jamaica. The airport staff were very accommodating and didn’t require me to move my items around for inspection once I opened my freezer tote filled with breastmilk. Since I took a Southwest connecting flight (NEVER again - One-way Delta flights only ever since this trip!!), I had to go through airport security again after going through Tampa’s customs. This time I was met with resistance from TSA as I attempted to explain that I was bringing back breastmilk hence my bags and equipment. One of the TSA officers attempted to open my milk and test the liquid and I advocated for myself by declining the inspection (which is not required by law!). After the agent visually inspected my milk packs and pumping equipment, I was allowed to get through TSA with my frozen breastmilk. Thanks to my frozen ice packs plus some additional ice purchased during my layover in Tampa, all of my milk stayed frozen throughout my travels!
Truth be told, I’m amazed at my determination and dedication to my son Adam. Breastfeeding was the most consistent and selfless thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’m so grateful for my experience and that I was able to resume my breastfeeding journey for over a year after this babyless trip!
Here’s each product I utilized to maintain my breastfeeding supply while on vacation:
*Affiliate links are attached throughout this blog post*

Renewing My Spirit in New Orleans
After a canceled Anniversary trip to Spain, crazy work schedules while working from home, and coronavirus parenting woes, Tyler and I took a much needed break in New Orleans in August.
Ahh New Orleans! As much as I love the city in the past I’ve never got the chance to stay long. I’ve visited for short trips such as dropping my brother off to college at Loyola University, or celebrating a friend’s birthday with a quick overnight trip. This time, when Tyler and I decided to make the trip to New Orleans for much needed time together we decided to make our trip still a “quick visit” (we were only there Friday afternoon - Sunday afternoon), however unlike the past were we wanted to see and do everything, we only had the intention of relaxing with each other and eating good food!
We stayed at the Westin New Orleans for a great deal via Hotel Tonight! It was my first time staying at a hotel during the coronavirus pandemic, however I was thoroughly impressed with the hotel protocol. The check in process was touchless, masks were required to be worn in the hotel, and there was lots of hand sanitizer everywhere!
Sidebar, use my code “FHUNTER38” to save $25 off your first Hotel Tonight booking!
I had my first in person dining experience since the Pandemic at the “instagram must taste” acclaimed restaurant “Morrow’s”. I can’t say I was fully satisfied with their COVID-19 protocol due to staff not consistently wearing masks properly, however once I tasted the food I no longer cared! The food was incredibly flavorful and was every bit comfort I needed from New Orleans.
The rest of the trip we just relaxed, spent valuable time together, and fully enjoyed our time as Tyler & Fatimah instead of the usual, “Mom & Dad”.
We drove to New Orleans, so on our way home we decided to it would be fun to hit the beach as we approached the Gulf Shores area. My husband Tyler remembered that a friend of his grew up in the “Christian Pass Beach” area so we took a detour and headed to the beach! It was such as freeing and spontaneous moment, making it the perfect way to end what felt like a magical weekend in New Orleans.