My room is my sanctuary.
Here you’ll all things related to wellness, self-love, and personal growth.
My Year of Rest:
2022 was a whirlwind - looking back on the early days of 2022 I wouldn’t have even believed it myself. From me starting a new job that I was so excited about, getting let go at the end of my first week, to becoming pregnant less than a week after losing my job (I was so excited!), to quickly becoming violently ill with a pregnancy condition called hyperemesis gravidarum (read more on this here) before February- my 2022 started rocky. Despite all of the “losses”, tears, hard-learned lessons, therapy sessions, and forced rest due to pregnancy + birth - I wouldn’t change a thing.
I set out last year with a strong vision of how things would transpire. As things quickly moved out of my control, I realized that I had no choice but to surrender to God/The Universe’s plan. Going inward has allowed me to cultivate a deep sense of faith. In some of my darkest days in 2022, my inner knowing that things won’t always be this way kept me going. Despite 2022 being the HARDEST year of my life, I ended with internal peace, gratitude, and joy. After the birth of my daughter Sara Amal Hunter, I had a life-saving surgery due to labor complications (I’ll share more this year). Since coming off the operating table, I feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Things that I was sad or worried about seem trivial. Every day is a literal BLESSING and an opportunity to seek out joy. Facing my potential mortality has me ready to share my gifts with the rest of the world again. On that note, I’m happy to announce that I’ll be back with my weekly affirmations and journal prompts! Sign up for my newsletter to start receiving your emails. I’ve truly missed creating my weekly newsletters and I appreciate those of you who reached out personally to check in on me during my absence this year. Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with so many blessings!